Registration is open. If session is full, please add your skater to the waiting list.
Starskate – Junior (Canskate Stage 4-6, Star 1) Intermediate (Star 2-3) Senior (Star 4-10)
Session are open for Full Registration or Drop-Ins. Drop-In must have a valid Skate Canada Membership for the 2021-22 Season.
Please see below all Clarington Guidelines and return to sport Information
Vaccination verification under the passport will come into effect on Wednesday September 22.
- Full vaccination means 2 approved doses, with 14 days lapsed after the second dose. Approved medical exemptions do apply.
- Proof of vaccination includes a copy of your vaccination receipt and adequate identification that confirms the name and birthday of the individual. Photo ID is acceptable but not required. The information on both documents must match to be considered verified.
- Every person who is 18 years an older will require proof of vaccination to enter the facility.
- Every person who is under 12 years old will NOT have to provide proof of vaccination
- Every person who is 12-17 years old will have to provide proof of vaccination EXCEPT when participating in organized sport and active recreational activities. Participation in organized sport would include any coaches, instructors officials (on and off ice) that are aged 17 and under.
- Vaccination verification will be completed at the main entrance to each facility and will be based on the above criteria. This will be done by municipal staff and/or a third party agency contracted by the Municipality.
- Should an organization be required by their Provincial Sport Organization (i.e. OMHA or OWHA) to impose requirements that exceed the guidance provided in the Provincial Regulation, it will be the sole responsibility of that organization to enforce those requirements. .
Effective October 27th the Municipality will be taking over screening and contact tracing for anyone that enters a recreation facility. As the permit holder, you are no longer responsible for doing screening and contact tracing. The security guards at the door will be screening, contact tracing and completing vaccine verification. These changes do not impact vaccine verification, that process will remain the same.
The Municipality is launching an electronic COVID-19 self-screening on Wednesday, October 27, for those wishing to enter Clarington’s recreation facilities and complete the screening in advance. You can access the COVID-19 Self-Screening online, at the door using the posted QR code, and in person with facility staff.
PLEASE arrive 20-30 minutes before the start of the session so Health Checks can be confirmed.
Link – COVID-19 Self-Screening for Entry to Recreation Facilities (arcgis.com)
Please read all Return to Play guidelines below from Clarington
Return to Ice Guidelines for Permit Holders
As we reopen it is critical to share the below information:
➢ A maximum of 60 skaters are allowed on the ice, plus coaches/staff.
Arrival at the Facility
- The facility will be entered through the main entrance. Adjustments may be necessary due to other events happening within the facility. This information will be communicated in advance of the permitted date.
- Arrive to the facility 15 minutes before your start time to line up outside. o It is the permit holder’s responsibility to ensure that all participants and spectators have entered the facility.
- Spectators and participants must immediately go into the designated areas. Loitering and gathering in the facility is not permitted
While in the Facility
- Parents/guardians will be allowed in the facility and must sit in the designated area and must wear a mask at all times. Staff will monitor and notify the permit holder (or coach) if there are any concerns or capacity numbers are exceeded. Failure to follow these guidelines will put future permits at risk of cancellation
- Changerooms will be open. Masks must be worn at all times and can be removed as the skater enters the ice.
- Washrooms are open.
While Exiting the Facility
- Spectators must immediately exit the facility at the end of the ice time.
- Spectators and participants are not permitted to loiter in the facility
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