Month: February 2021

BFSC Skating Updates

UPDATED February 13th 2021

We have confirmed with Clarington that we can run sessions with 10 Skaters and up to 3 coaches on the ICE.  This allows our sessions to become cost effective again and gets us back on the ICE.

Please confirm with your coach their availability prior to signing up.

Session Registration will be drop in based until the end of February.  We are trying to avoid refunds as they are very time consuming.  You may sign up for all drop in sessions for the week or for both weeks. We do need 10 skaters per session to make them cost effective.

Health Screening must be completed by 3 pm the day of the Skating Session and for every session by both skater and parent entering the facility.  Coaches are required to use the same link.


Health Check Link


Monday intermediate/Senior 6:00-6:50

Wednesday Intermediate/Senior 6:00-6:50

Thursday Intermediate/Senior 6:00-6:50

Thursday Junior/Intermediate 7:10-8:00

We are unable to run our Power Skating and Canskate at this time due to Skate Ontario and Municipal Covid Protocols.  

We will start these classes once Durham enters into a relaxed Orange or better Framework.

Any questions please email

Posted by Jeff in Activities, News