Notice of Meeting

Bowmanville Figure Skating Club
Annual General Meeting
WednesdaySeptember302020, 7:00p.m.
Online (Google Meet) Link to follow

The Annual General Meeting of the Bowmanville Figure Skating Club will be held on Wednesday September30, 20207:00 p.m. For the following purposes:

  1. Election of Officers for the 2020/2021Executive
  2. Receiving Reports of the Executive Members
  3. Receiving of Financial Statements
  4. Transacting any other business
  5. BFSC Review of Constitution and Bylaws for Approval by Membership

Club Bylaw 23 stipulates:
An annual general meeting shall be held within 60 days after the close of the March 31stfiscal year. Other general meetings may be held from time to time upon the request of the Board of Directors or upon written request of 10% of Club Members. A quorum for an annual general meeting or special meeting shall be 10% of the eligible voting members by presence or proxy. Each eligible voting member may carry a maximum of 5 proxies.[Skate Canada By Law 1201 (1)(c)(i) requires that each club hold an annual meeting.] *Clubs have a 15-month window to host your AGM from their last meeting. If that window falls within the state of emergency in Ontario, the club will have an extension of 90 days from the date the state of emergency is lifted by the province.*

Club Bylaw 24 stipulates:Written notice of all Annual General Meeting and Special Meetings shall be provided 15 days in advance to each eligible voting member. The notice shall include the time and place of the meeting, the agenda, full details of any proposed amendments to these Bylaws and a complete list of the candidates nominated for elections.

Current BFSC members registered with Skate Canada and of at least 18 years of age or their legal guardian if they are not 18 years of age, are permitted to vote.

All members are encouraged to attend the 2020AGM and participate in discussions. Anyone requiring a copy of the Club’s constitution and by-laws prior to the meeting can do so by contacting or

BFSC Executive – August 2020

For announcement and nomination information view the attached posting-AGM-2020 document.