July 27th 6:00 – 6:50 STARSKATE OPEN ICE Welcome back to Skating – DROP IN signup
July 29th 6:00- 6:50 STARSKATE OPEN ICE Welcome back to Skating – DROP IN signup

Cost – Each Session Cost $100 (4 weeks) Drop Ins may be available pending availability for Star skate only
All Sessions will be available online for Registration.
Payment by Credit Card will be available online.
Sessions must meet the minimum participates requirements (10) otherwise maybe cancelled
Withdrawal from any program must be received within two weeks of the start of session, only remaining sessions will be refunded. Skate Canada Membership will not be refunded.
If you have any questions please email Registration@bfsc.net
- One parent per Skater will be allow in the stands only, Social Distancing with Masks
- Maximum skaters on the ICE at this time is 25
- A wavier is available online when you register, however, a Health check must be submitted for each session skated. This is a simple online google form that will be sent after registration.
- Skate Ontario Return to Play Protocols PHASE 3 July 2021
- Please note that we also are bound by Clarington Protocols Return to Ice Guidelines – Clarington – Step 3.pdf
- Masks are required in line to enter the arena and in the arena until skaters are on the ICE.

- Rowans Law is now available online at the time of registration, please note that both parents and participates are to provide a digital signature to confirm they have read and understood the material.
- Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources Rowan’s Law E-booklet:
- • Ages 10 and Under
- • Ages 11-14
- • Ages 15 and Up
All Skaters Must Fill out and submit a Return to Play Skate Ontario Waiver before entering the Arena or skating with our Club. (Submit to Registration@bfsc.net and/or provide hard copy to Coach/Executive Member for Tracking)
Skate Ontario Waiver (now available when you register online)
Additionally before EVERY Skating Session, a Health Screening must be filled out and Submitted to Registration@bfsc.net and/or bring a hard copy to the Arena and provide to the Coach/BFSC Executive Member for Tracking
July Tracking July 2021 Health Check Form
August Tracking August 2021 Health Check Form
Skate Ontario Return to Play Protocol
Skate Ontario Return to Skating Protocols Phase 3 July 2021
Municipality of Clarington Protocols – Please review the Floor plan below to see Entrances and Exits into Pad B
Return to Ice Guidelines – Clarington – Step 3.pdf
SCA_Ice pad-Reopening floor plan (3).pdf
- 50 min program for skaters 3 years and up
- absolutely NO experience needed
- a dynamic program that focuses on fun and basic skill development
Starskaters and 2021/22 season
Junior – Passed Stage 4 or invited
Intermediate – All 3 Star 1 tests must have a private coach
Senior – All Star 3 plus 2 Star 4 tests or 14 years of age
All payments are online only
Exception for Cash and Cheques, please email registration@bfsc.net
Customers have 7 days to contact the club if they would like to pay by Cheque or Cash.
Once the Customer contacts us, Registration will place their invoice on-hold.
When Customer pays the invoice either with cash in full or cheque/post dated, Registration will process the invoice and the skater will be registered for their program.
All Payments must be submitted prior to skaters going on the Ice
If your account is in Arrears, you will not be able to register for the new season until all previous sessions are paid in Full.
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